Episode 150: Finding the good stuff of growing up near the ocean

Tales Vinyl Tells on the radio at 5PM Wednesdays, the flagship website and on many podcast apps.

What are the good memories of your childhood? What music soothed you or really turned you on?
For me, the ocean was 10 minutes away by car. 20 on bike. The aroma of the salt sea is evident hours away. It was soothing to see the calm flat blue, like glass. It was also exciting to see the ocean when it was full of waves. Summertime in South Florida was hot, hazy and humid, but the effects nature offered on the sea surface and the fun on the hot sand in one’s youth made meaningful memories. Some of the songs of summer are right here and they are not what you might expect.
Tales Vinyl Tells is in our 4th year of bringing some of those great album tracks of the 60s & 70s to you and thrown into the mix are some others that just need to be added to the recipe for a eargasmic hour.

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Episode 150: Finding the good stuff of growing up
Brian/various artists