Episode 136: The Vince Playlist

My friend, Vince, went in for heart surgery and I made sure to see him beforehand and wish him the best. That was the last time I saw him. They couldn't fix his heart valve. So our only choice was to mourn. Luckily, before all this, Vince told me that he had all the Tales Vinyl Tells episodes up to that time loaded into his car and he listened to them when he needed some good music that made him feel more alive. I asked him what some of his favorite tunes and artists were. He made a list of 10 songs or so and gave a little comment about pretty much every one of them and he's been gone for over a year now, I still miss him, and his comments, his choices, some of his favorites, are included in this hour of Tales Vinyl Tells. His peaceful spirit can be seen on his bench looking at the pond.