Episode 100: That's a lot of rock! Outlaws jam, 27 Club members, more good shat

December 2019 was the release time of the first Tales Vinyl Tells. Today’s is #100! Pop the champagne. Fire one up. Celebrate with me. We’re hearing JT today, Melanie and many more. Also, I’ve been prepping for PCOC 2, the second day of the New Days Festival with the Steves: Steve Miller, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Stevie Wonder. It’s gonna be fun, but that’s next time. You can check out Day 1 of The Peacock a week ago in #99. Hope you dig all this.

Let me humbly ask for your support of this podcast. There are expenses that make this show what it is and any way you can help is really appreciated. You who have already signed on, I say thank you and namaste to. More info to support this act of preservation of some really great music is at patron.podbean.com/talesvinyltellssupport. Really, thank you.

Now, on with Tales Vinyl Tells, Episode 100!!