Episode 72 Vince's playlist

As we age, we will see and experience more joy, the counterpart of sadness. There will be more births and more passings. It’s inevitable. This month of December, the 20th actually, I believe, in 2019, before Covid and in the nasty grips of a tyrant-wannabe president, I was encouraged by my friend, David, to put my album collection to good use and “you need to do a podcast.” Well, I did and now, 72 or so episodes later, I’m doing my expired friend, Vince, a salute to his favorite tunes, each with heart and meaning. Some were things I’ve already played here, some new additions that I most likely wouldn’t have thought of.

Here’s to Vince, who loved his tie-dyes. Raise a glass to the spirit of his kindness and love. His wife picked up his ashes recently and said they were tie-dyed. Enjoy this playlist. Send me yours.