Episode 68 Shaking with The Killer, climbing The Wall and more

There are only 3 more LPs on our list that were certified at least 15 million platinum awards and #3 today is a double album that rests in my vinyl collection and still sounds great. The Rock n Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland has a big display of a brick wall honoring this artist and this release from 1979. There’s a lot of shakin’ goin’ on here today so let’s go. And please consider supporting RadioFreeNashville with a gift or make it monthly (like I do) or you can give your old car to them/us. Running or not. And please feel free to share this post and podcast, and download it for offline listening. Tales Vinyl Tells live at 5 on Wednesdays at 103.7 & 107.1 Fm in Nashville and on the web at RadioFreeNashville.org.

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